Daily Devotional – 10/2/17 “What about today?”

We all know that God has a plan and purpose for our life and when we think of this, we often times think of the future. But did you know God has purpose for our lives today? I know you’re busy working on your business plans for next year but what are you doing aboutContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 10/2/17 “What about today?””

Daily Devotional – 12/30/15 “Don’t count out 2015!”

Somebody is already making plans for 2016 but what about the last two days of 2015? Don’t you know that God can send a miracle, in these last two days that will change your entire outlook for 2015? Haven’t you heard about the Man who can heal you by breathing new life into your body?Continue reading “Daily Devotional – 12/30/15 “Don’t count out 2015!””

Daily Devotional – 6/27/13 “Keep playing!”

Keep playing with your ticket to Heaven and see if you won’t be left behind and keep playing with God’s commandments like you don’t see the signs. Keep playing with your life like you don’t think it’s real, acting like you got all the time; until your fate is sealed. Keep right on playing withContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 6/27/13 “Keep playing!””

Daily Devotional – 1/10/12 “Ungrateful!”

I read a friend’s status on Facebook this morning that said “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone, but the truth is you knew exactly what you had; you just thought you’d never lose it,” and this got me thinking. Wow! How many times do you take things for granted and then wishContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 1/10/12 “Ungrateful!””

Daily Devotional – 12/27/11 “What’s your New Year’s Resolution?”

It’s a few days before the New Year and you’re probably already making “resolutions” for 2012, right?  I am going to start a new diet and stick to it.  I am going to get on a budget and stick to it.  I am going to church every Sunday and I’m going to pay my tithesContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 12/27/11 “What’s your New Year’s Resolution?””