Your girl is in a magazine!

A few months back, I had the honor of connecting with Mrs. Ann Marie Bryan who wanted to feature me, ME (queue squeals), in the premiere issue of Victorious by Design Magazine. Can you say excited? Say it with me … EX-CIT-ED!! That was me child because I’m simply someone who’s being intentional about herContinue reading “Your girl is in a magazine!”

Daily Devotional – 10/7/19 “Sober up!”

When a person is grieving, coming out of a bad relationship, angry, bitter or etc.; you tend to make decisions from that place. At the time, you probably feel as though that decision is the right one … until you sober up. Oh, you didn’t know you can be intoxicated from feelings? Yep, you canContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 10/7/19 “Sober up!””

Daily Devotional – 5/8/19 “Let them assume!”

I shared this on 5/8/2018 and I am sharing this again, with updates, for somebody who is still trying to make sense of stuff. Stuff like, why you are being hated on, disliked, unsupported, talked about and lied on. Like I told you last year, it’s not you, it’s what folk see in you. Here’sContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 5/8/19 “Let them assume!””

Daily Devotional – 4/25/19 “May not know when but it will!”

‪Sometimes God will allow you to go through because you have the resources (or access to them) and the voice to fight for someone who doesn’t. This is why you have to know … You are not being used but unmovable You are not being forsaken but faithful You are not being overlooked but obedientContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 4/25/19 “May not know when but it will!””

Daily Devotional – 4/9/19 “Prepare for the storm!”

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve shared a devotional and this is because, I don’t share just anything. I wait for God to release a word and this morning, while I have so many things going through my head, God told me to stop and tell somebody … prepare for the storm. Yes,Continue reading “Daily Devotional – 4/9/19 “Prepare for the storm!””