Daily Devotional – 3/5/20 “Relationship physical”

Did you know it’s recommended you get a physical every year? This is an examination by a primary care professional who will check your overall health. This exam checks for possible diseases, abnormal blood work, to make sure you’re up to date on immunizations etc. Regular physicals are used to allow your doctor to treatContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 3/5/20 “Relationship physical””

Daily Devotional – 5/25/18 “You’re missing it because of the messenger!”

You’re praying to God to come and see about you. You’re crying out to Him, over and over about something you need. Yet, you are sitting there thinking God has forsaken or forgotten you. You are angry because you think He’s ignoring you. You will not go to worship service because the enemy has youContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 5/25/18 “You’re missing it because of the messenger!””