Daily Devotional – 8/20/13 “Turbulence during Transition”

I don’t normally log into Facebook until after I’ve done my devotional but on this morning I did and I just happened to see a post from my spiritual sister, who I call my Tag Team Ministry Partner. Now, anybody that knows us know that most time we are on the same accord, spiritually, evenContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 8/20/13 “Turbulence during Transition””

Daily Devotional – 10/30/12 “While you’re sneaking …”

Something just might sneak up on you! Are you ready for it? I mean, while you think you are sneaking from God’s sight; He sees it all. While you are shouting on Sunday and then sneaking and creeping on Monday, God sees. While you’re at Bible Study on Monday and then sneaking and stealing onContinue reading “Daily Devotional – 10/30/12 “While you’re sneaking …””