Daily Devotional – 4/12/18 “Show up when I need you, pray when I don’t!”

I love the Lord, I really do. He heard my cry, pitied every groan, snatched me out my mess, kept my mind, healed my body, stood me on solid ground and all that good stuff so please don’t misinterpret what I am about to share. But look beloved, not everything can be fixed and/or resolved with just “Pray” or “I’m praying for you.” Know this, I am not talking about me in general but I need you to understand something. If I happen to have a moment on Monday and I post something that is unusual, don’t tell me to pray. Call me, talk me off the ledge and then I’ll be able to pray and/or hear you when you do. When someone is fighting mental illness and disease and you see them acting out on social media; call or message them or somebody they know and stop commenting 212 times, “I’m praying for you.” When a friend is going through, call them AND then pray. If I post, I’m cutting off folk who only call when they want something, don’t tell me to pray about it because I will, after I cut their using butts off. Let’s be real, there are some people and relationships that have to end, for your sanity and your prayer life.

Yes, I’ll pray for you but sometimes this isn’t what is needed at the moment. If I’m in pain, I need some pills then prayer. If I’m homeless, I need help and prayer. If I’m depressed, addicted, suicidal, without a job, heartbroken and etc., I am looking for assistance then prayer. Hear me well … There are some times when all folk need is prayer but this isn’t what I’m talking about. Posting, “Pray for me” is totally different from “I’m at my wit’s end and about to say f it.” But see, the real issue is, if I tell you I’m praying for you then maybe I don’t have to show up for you. I mean, I was there for you because I commented on your status on Facebook. Nawl baby. Where were you when I drove up and found all my stuff on the curb because I was being evicted? Where were you when I was hungry without a dime to my name? Where were you when I was so low in grief that I contemplated taking my life? Where were you when I was in the abusive relationship and needed somebody to support me and not judge me? Where were YOU? Oh, I got the notification of your comment but where were you? Yes, I saw you liked my Instagram post but where were you? I see you looked at my Snap Chat video but where we you? Show up sometimes because you’ll never know when your presence could be the very thing that keeps a person from losing their mind. Friend, show up when I need you but pray for me when I don’t.

Published by Pastor LaKisha

LaKisha Johnson is an author of thirty Christian Fiction novels, devotionals and journals. She writes from her heart, as she hopes the messages, on the pages, will relate to every reader.  Ask her and she’ll tell you, ”It’s not just writing, its ministry.” Over the course of her career, she’s won the 2018 Drunken Druid Book of the Year Award for her book, The Forgotten Wife, 2019 Top Shelf Christian Fiction Book of the Year for Dear God: Hear my Prayer, 2020 Distinguished Authors Guild Award for her book, I’m Not Crazy and was a 2020 TopShelf Women’s Fiction Finalist for her book, When the Vows Break. In addition to being a self-published author, she’s also a wife of 22 years, mother of 2, Asst. Pastor of Macedonia MB Church in Hollywood, MS; Sr. Business Analyst with FedEx, Devotional Blogger and more. She’s a college graduate with 2 Associate Degrees in IT and a Bachelor of Science in Bible.   LaKisha writes from the heart, and this is why she doesn’t take the credit for what God does. If you were to strip away everything, you’d see that Lakisha is simply a woman who boldly, unapologetically and gladly loves and works for God.

8 thoughts on “Daily Devotional – 4/12/18 “Show up when I need you, pray when I don’t!”

  1. This post spoke volumes to me… Because I never had anybody there for me! But God homeless nobody (but criticium) Single mother Nobody, No job Nobody, no money Nobody..But the funny part is I am a intercessory prayer warrior and I am there for everybody..

  2. “Show Up When I Need You, Pray When I Don’t” is right on point. I needed that reminder. Our presence, our financial help, our hugs mean much more than saying “You have to pray.” Showing up is love in action. Thank you Pastor Lakisha for heeding the Spirit’s prompting, this devotional is an eye opener, because I am guilty of saying “pray” at times when I should SHOW UP.

  3. Pastor Kisha, I have appreciated your life application so many, many times as you dissect verses in your devotional. I find them real! I was looking to find something from you in 2 Chronicles 7:14. And I did! “Pray for me” is totally different from “I’m at my wit’s end and about to say f it.” My heart sank. Why put a letter ‘f’ – which stands for vulgar language? I just don’t get it. Did the last part of the sentence add or take away? “I’m at my wit’s end (period). #notreligious #wordsofmymouthandmediationsofmyheartbepleasing

    1. Ms. Helen, I put the f word because that’s the reality when someone is facing a tough situation. But did you stop to think the f I used is for forget it and not what you took it as? Maybe you’re reading too much in it. However, I will not stop being real because real is what is needed to reach those who are hurting. Ma’am, there are a lot of folk, Christians included, who want to say f it everyday. My using the letter f takes nothing away from this devotional. If anything, it reached who it needed.

      Be blessed.

      1. Thank you for your response. I will reflect on it. That said, I also reflect on the time when our son, as a Little Rock Police Officer, during a time of raised pursuit and conflict, said “green beans!” His supervisor called on him, and mentioned the recording – “during all the commotion, you said ‘green beans?'” Just saying, ma’am, cursing wasn’t his first choice of words, perhaps because our family didn’t resort to commonality. I wish I could agree that ‘a lot of folk’ want to say f everyday, but I can’t.
        I will keep reading your devotionals. I, too, need to be reached. But I won’t compromise strength and restraint. #Ihopefmeantforget . One Christ follower, Helen

      2. And cursing wasn’t mine either. Neither do I compromise my strength or restraint. Me typing f doesn’t take away my anointing, my strength or signifies my willingness to compromise. Maybe, read the context in which that statement was written instead of picking out the one letter in order to better understand why it’s there. And just maybe you’ve never had a weak moment or had to pray someone off a ledge (I pray you never do) but I’ve been there and sometimes Ms. Helen, me and those resort to commonality because it’s what our natural bodies resort too. God bless you and thank you.

      3. I know God will bless you, your family, and your ministry. He is counting on you. On me! KEEP IT UP!! I will, too. @TheWorshipCenter, Woodbridge, VA

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